Yesterday marked the day of my diagnoses, nine years ago! I discovered that night that I had a 6% kidney function with a blood pressure of 250/150 and would need dialysis and/or a transplant to live. So much has happened in those nine years. I’ve been on dialysis, been fortunate enough to receive a kidney transplant with the kidney coming from my mum, participated in the British Transplant Games on five occasions and represented Great Britain and Northern Ireland at the World Transplant Games twice! I am very delighted to be able to say that my kidney is behaving very well and is consistently working like a little trooper! My Transplant will be nine years old on the 11th January 2020! I’m looking forward to celebrating with mum on that day! Although I was unable to attend the British Transplant Games last year, I was there this year catching up with my transplant family old and new. The games were in Newport and very successful. I enter the games with Plymouth...