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Showing posts from 2012

In The West Briton - 12 January 2012

The West Briton Newspaper called me a week before the first anniversary of my transplant asking if they could do a follow up of the story from the previous year.  Mum and I agreed as we are keen to spread the word about kidney disease. Here is this article: If you can not read the above, click HERE to read the article online!! Frugi Organic Clothes where I work three days a week kindly bought me some gorgeous flowers for my anniversary and also blogged about the occasion, you can read their blog HERE !!

A Year With The Gift Of Life . . . .

A year ago today I received the most amazing gift from my mum, a kidney which has given me freedom from the nightly dialysis which was keeping me alive, along with a normal active lifestyle. I can still remember how Trev, Mum and I felt entering the hospital early in the morning.  But twelve hours later, one of mum's kidney's had been successfully removed and was transplanted into me and working like a good one!! Mum recovered well and was fighting fit again within three months.  She is as busy as ever now and currently building her own home, which is keeping her on her toes!! It took me longer to be fully recovered than anticipated.  I naively thought I would be up and fighting fit in no time!  However, taking immunosuppressant’s   along with a mountain of other drugs takes it toll on your body.  However, at six months it felt like a switch had been flicked and I felt great!! From there things have just got better and better!  I am sti...