A year ago today I received the most amazing gift from my mum, a kidney which has given me freedom from the nightly dialysis which was keeping me alive, along with a normal active lifestyle.
I can still remember how Trev, Mum and I felt entering the hospital early in the morning. But twelve hours later, one of mum's kidney's had been successfully removed and was transplanted into me and working like a good one!!
Mum recovered well and was fighting fit again within three months. She is as busy as ever now and currently building her own home, which is keeping her on her toes!!
It took me longer to be fully recovered than anticipated. I naively thought I would be up and fighting fit in no time! However, taking immunosuppressant’s along with a mountain of other drugs takes it toll on your body. However, at six months it felt like a switch had been flicked and I felt great!!
From there things have just got better and better! I am still attending the hospital on a monthly basis and at my last appointment my consultant told me that results at the twelve month mark give a good indication of how things are going to go. Mine have been stable now for six months and they were the best they have ever been in December (48%) so things are looking good.
I still think about rejection. It would be devastating to lose the gift that mum gave me, however, I am aiming to keep it for a minimum of 20 years and on top of that, I am hoping and praying that research will advance so that I can keep this kidney forever.
Tonight mum is coming over to have tea with Trev and I. We are opening a bottle of Krug Champagne which I have had for years and haven't had a good enough reason to open it, what better reason than to thank your wonderful mum??
Saturday night I am having a party to celebrate the anniversary and to thank everyone for their help and support. Without friends, near and far, this experience would have been a lot more difficult.
That's the end of my story for the time being, I'm too busy enjoying life and living it to the full to spend time writing here!
Take care everyone xx
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