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Showing posts from 2021

Ten Years with My New Kidney!

Today it has been ten years since my mum made the ultimate sacrifice and donated one of her kidneys to me, freeing me from nightly dialysis and allowing me to lead a full and (almost) normal life.  It feels like yesterday on some days and a lifetime ago on others.   I am very delighted to be able to say that my kidney is behaving very well and is  consistently working like a little trooper! The doctors did say that mum's kidney was like a 20 year olds and I do believe that's proving to be right!   I can still remember how Trev, Mum and I felt entering Derriford Hospital early in the morning.  But twelve hours later, one of mum's kidney's had been successfully removed and was transplanted into me and working brilliantly!! Mum recovered well and was fighting fit again within three months.   It took me longer to be fully recovered than anticipated.  I naively thought I would be up and about in no time!  However,  taking immunosup...