This week has been very uneventful!! Nothing of much interest has happened at all.
I have been very tired and have felt extremely nauseous again which has put me off my food, lost 4kg so not all bad! The doctor wasn't so pleased!!
My excitement of getting 7% kidney function for my last outpatients appointment was short lived and promptly went back to 6% at its first opportunity!! My creatinine is also on the rise again. However still not on dialysis and no plans to go onto it at present! Yay!
We are still waiting for the results of the tissue typing tests so, although mum is being rushed through all of the donor tests, we still do not know if she is a match. Please keep your fingers crossed!
Sleeping has been my worst problem, or lack of it anyway! The minute it has been time to turn the lights off my eyes have become the size of saucers and I have tossed and turned all night, maybe getting just a few hours of sleep. However, I think this has now been resolved. I have had to start taking my anti-sickness tablets again and this has made me very drowsy. BINGO!! Sleeping again!!
I have also been doing lots of research into my disease and the treatments. I was shocked to discover that Derriford only performs about 50 kidney transplants per annum, I thought it would be a much larger number. I quizzed my consultant on this and he said that is because only 10% of patients are eligible for a transplant. It turns out the average age for kidney failure in our region is 75!! Trust me to have an OAP disorder!! It must have been about 80 before they had me "on the books!!"
Well that's it for this week, a quiet week is a good week as far as I am concerned ;-)
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