A week has now passed since I was allowed home following my transplant. The week started off very quiet and then it seemed to be all go!! For the next three months I have to go to Derriford twice a week for a check up. My first appointment was on Monday. Trev drove me to Plymouth where my check up consisted of being weighed, having my blood pressure taken, having a urine sample checked and finally having my blood taken. I have to say that at this point it seemed like a very long way to go for these simple checks! On this occasion I also had my wound redressed and had the remainder of my staples removed. As half of my wound is not healing that well I had little steristrips put on to help the wound knit together. On Wednesday I had a surprise call from the BBC wanting to do a piece on Mum and I on Spotlight that evening! It took two hours to record everything which they wanted in order to do a two minute slot on the evening news!! Thursday I w...