A week has now passed since I was allowed home following my transplant. The week started off very quiet and then it seemed to be all go!!
For the next three months I have to go to Derriford twice a week for a check up. My first appointment was on Monday. Trev drove me to Plymouth where my check up consisted of being weighed, having my blood pressure taken, having a urine sample checked and finally having my blood taken. I have to say that at this point it seemed like a very long way to go for these simple checks!
On this occasion I also had my wound redressed and had the remainder of my staples removed. As half of my wound is not healing that well I had little steristrips put on to help the wound knit together.
On Wednesday I had a surprise call from the BBC wanting to do a piece on Mum and I on Spotlight that evening! It took two hours to record everything which they wanted in order to do a two minute slot on the evening news!!
Thursday I was back in Derriford again for my second of my weekly check ups. I was told that on this occasion I had to wait for my blood results as if they had not improved I would need another biopsy to check that there was no signs of rejection or problems with the drugs which I was taking.
I also had my would inspected again and we had the surprise that I am allergic to the steristrips! Obviously very unusual!! They had pulled all of my skin off and left large red open sores on my skin! They were also itching like mad! The nurse removed the steristrips and replaced then with a cotton wool type dressing which contained seaweed! She advised that it helps to draw any moisture out of the wound.
Unfortunately my results had not improved so I was checked back into hospital straight away and within an hour I had another biopsy performed. Then I had to yet again lie flat on my back for six hours to ensure that I don't get any internal bleeding. I now understand why I have to go all the way to Derriford for my initial check ups!!
Yesterday was yet another day of waiting. It was at about two in the afternoon when the doctor came and told me the good news that there was no signs of rejection in my biopsy nor was there any problems with my medication. The doctor then said that he thought my initial blood tests were probably better as they were in effect watered down due to the amount of water which was being pumped through my system!
On Monday I am booked for another small operation, this is to remove my dialysis catheter and to have my stent removed. I have to say I am pleased that this is being done under a general anesthetic as normally the stent is removed using just a local! I should then be able to have a bath again! I have to say I can't wait ;-)
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