I was moved to the High Dependency Unit in a wheelchair. This amused me quite a lot as the previous few days I had been running, cycling and going to Zumba! I was pleased to have been moved as in the Medical Admissions Unit you didn't have a proper bed and I was exhausted!
I was introduced to my nurse and he was called Mike. Over the three days I spent in HDU I got to like Mike very much. He was never too busy to explain to me what was going on and I felt like I was in very competent hands!
In HDU the doctors changed me from the drip to tablets in an attempt to reduce my blood pressure. They had not been successful yet. I was also put onto anti sickness drugs and some capsules which controlled the acids which were building up in my stomach.
I was introduced to my nurse and he was called Mike. Over the three days I spent in HDU I got to like Mike very much. He was never too busy to explain to me what was going on and I felt like I was in very competent hands!
In HDU the doctors changed me from the drip to tablets in an attempt to reduce my blood pressure. They had not been successful yet. I was also put onto anti sickness drugs and some capsules which controlled the acids which were building up in my stomach.
My blood pressure then came down very quickly and the Doctors were worried about this too so wouldn't let me leave HDU.
Every day I had more blood taken and more and more obscure tests were performed. Mike told me that one had to go to London on liquid ice!! Goodness knows what they were testing it for then!!
When I managed to talk to the Doctors they said that I was causing them some concern. I was told that my kidney function was under 10% and with that level I should be VERY poorly and although I wasn't jumping around with joy I was feeling ok. They explained that the bruising was because I was low on platelets in my blood and that I would need a biopsy of the kidneys for them to establish what is causing my problems. The thing is, they could not perform a biopsy until my blood pressure was at a reasonable level and under control.
It was in HDU that I realised how lucky I am. Everyday I had lots of visitors and messages of support. It made me sad that some of the other patients had no one. So I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to you all. You have no idea how much your kind words of support means to me :-)
Every day I had more blood taken and more and more obscure tests were performed. Mike told me that one had to go to London on liquid ice!! Goodness knows what they were testing it for then!!
When I managed to talk to the Doctors they said that I was causing them some concern. I was told that my kidney function was under 10% and with that level I should be VERY poorly and although I wasn't jumping around with joy I was feeling ok. They explained that the bruising was because I was low on platelets in my blood and that I would need a biopsy of the kidneys for them to establish what is causing my problems. The thing is, they could not perform a biopsy until my blood pressure was at a reasonable level and under control.
It was in HDU that I realised how lucky I am. Everyday I had lots of visitors and messages of support. It made me sad that some of the other patients had no one. So I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to you all. You have no idea how much your kind words of support means to me :-)
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