I was eventually moved onto the normal ward on Friday 3rd September, unfortunately my blood pressure was not under control enough to have my biopsy on the Friday so I would now have to wait until Monday.
Initially I didn't like it on the ward, privacy was not an option, but after a while I found the camaraderie between the patients extremely comforting. Again I was sad for some of the patients who had no or few visitors, and I felt for some of the patients who were suffering mentally or were struggling with their personal situation. I was glad that I had my strong personality and had good coping mechanisms!!
Over the weekend the doctors let me out for a few hours and I met up with friends for a spot of lunch. I got tired extremely quickly and had to go back to hospital, I hope I'm not institutionalised already!!
Monday came all too quickly, I was apprehensive about having the biopsy as you only have a local anesthetic. Before I could be taken for the biopsy I had to have a drip which contained a drug which "would make my blood sticky", this was because of the lack of platelets. The doctors had already found out my blood type in case I needed a transfusions afterwards. I was told this was a final solution to any problems as it would mean finding a kidney match was be extremely hard.
I would describe the biopsy as uncomfortable. Mostly likened to having your teeth drilled as, although the area is numb, you can still feel the pressure being applied. I was glad when the procedure was over and I was on the way back to the ward!
Recovery from a biopsy is simply lying flat on your back for eight hours. Sounds ok I initially thought, however, with only two hours passed I was going out of my mind and my back was aching. I think it was the longest eight hours which I have spent in the hospital!
The day after the biopsy my mum and Anita were with me when the doctor came with my results. He said that I have Glomerulonephritis which is an inflammation of the small blood vessels in my kidney. He explained that they had not found any "good" parts and that basically my kidneys were knackered. At this point he also told me that my kidney function had reduced to 6%
After this news I was totally shocked when the doctor said that I was to be discharged. This was great news as I was suffering badly with sleep deprivation. I was handed a huge bag of drugs and told to come back on Thursday for "clinic".
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